The objective behind the launch of PMS (Portfolio Management Services) by PRP is to provide higher returns to investors compared to direct investing or investing via MFs or Insurance companies. This is because MFs & LICs are often swayed by short-term considerations while PMS tend to have a long-term bias. It is often seen that an emerging theme takes longer to play out thus benefiting a patient investor.

PMS activity at PRP shall be carried out by a team of professionals with long experience in the field of Wealth Management. Markets go through ups & downs. The frequency of booms and busts are rising. Last 25 years is witness to crises like Asian Financial Crisis (1997), Dot-com bubble (2000), Great Financial Crisis (2008) and COVID-19 induced meltdown (2020). All these busts were preceded by booms. Seasoned professionals do not get carried away by euphoria of booms or distress during busts. This ensures that investors don’t panic during market meltdowns or get sucked into overvalued markets on FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
At PRP, we realise the importance of asset allocation in portfolio management. Recent pandemic led meltdown of markets has reemphasized the need for a proper asset allocation plan for investors. To give an example, Bonds actually gained during severe equity market stress in March 2020. Today, investors don’t say no to any asset class. Every asset class has its own merits and demerits be it Equities, Bonds, Gold, Real Estate, Commodities, Bitcoin or Art. Experts today recommend investing in a basket of assets which have low correlation between them.
Investors are aware that the easy days of investing is over. Gone are the days when one looked at Financial Ratios like P/E (Price to Earnings) or P/B (Price to Book) and picked stocks. Investing is no longer easy and it is not supposed to be easy. Portfolio Managers need good understanding of local and global factors to generate alpha in the portfolio. Today’s investors need to keep in mind the role of technology in shaping various industries. For instance, Shale gas exploration in the US has changed the contours of the Energy sector. Similarly, advent of modern retail has hurt fortunes of brick & mortar retailers. Portfolio Managers need to back Disruptors and avoid industries which are getting Disrupted. After all isn’t it all about what you own & what you don’t own? The role of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has become very important in equity investing. Professional Fund Managers make use of ESG rating as key input into the stock selection process. Similarly, the role of factor investing cannot be undermined. Portfolio returns can be segregated into factors like Quality, Growth, Momentum, Value, Dividend etc. Money Manager’s correct choice of factors can help in generating superior returns.
Today’s money managers are aware that India isn’t decoupled from the rest of the world. Liquidity infusion by Central bankers in one part of the world impacts other nations. Similarly, rising or falling interest rates in Developed Markets has implications for emerging market economies. After all, rising or falling cost of capital affects stock valuations.

PRP plans to provide services to well informed HNIs and Corporate who appreciate the benefits of long-term wealth creation. Such investors don’t panic during market drawdowns and instead look for opportunities during crises. Institutional Investors like MFs & LICs cater to both small and large investors. Typically, small investors have a short-term investment horizon vis-à-vis long-term horizon of HNIs & Corporate. Therefore, “One size fits all” approach of institutional investors is not in the best interest for HNIs or Corporate. Patience is a big virtue in order to earn outsized returns. PMS are useful for HNIs & Corporate as decisions of fellow investors don’t hurt their returns. These investors are better informed about all parameters that influence capital markets and are less likely to get swayed by short-term noises in the market place. Unlike other institutional investors PMS can help HNIs & Corporate in providing customised solutions. For example, it is possible to build a portfolio of securities with an ESG rating of A & above for customers. It is hard to imagine other institutions offering such a service. Similarly, on a PMS platform, a HNI & Corporate customer can be offered a suite of securities that meet their specific investment objective.
Investors in PMS would know about fewer regulatory bottlenecks of engaging with PMS as compared to other institutional service providers. For example, if an investor wants exposure to the theme of PSU privatisation, no MF or LIC can offer such a product. This is because such institutions have limitations about the extent of sector or stock exposures. The other advantage of investing via PMS is low churning of portfolio. This indirectly contributes to higher returns on account of lower transaction cost.
PRP’s funds will have high conviction ideas backed by research. Fundamental analysis, both top down and bottoms up, shall be the cornerstone of the stock selection process. Money managers shall rely on both in-house research and inputs from Sell side analysts in analysing sectors and stocks. Inputs from strategists, both domestic & foreign, will aid in decision making. We shall attach great importance to emerging themes as it is well known that every bull market has new leaders driving it!
As a Fund House we are committed to transparency and greater interaction between investors and fund management team. Investors shall be provided with User ID & Password to be able to view Portfolio related reports as and when they wish to. This level of transparency cannot be offered by other institutional investors.